
This is the Thriving Pharmacist, so it is possible that you are asking what I am I doing using the B word. A common definition of “thrive” per Merriam-Webster is:

thrive THrīv/ : to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances

Thriving implies a burning desire to succeed. Passion. Achievement. But the very act of striving to thrive can and does pose a threat of burnout. It is very important to recognize the possibility before it happens to you. And if burnout does begin to emerge, it does not mean the end of the journey.

Pharmacy continues to face a lot of challenging obstacles. Just writing about them here is sometimes overwhelming.  But I cannot let that get me down. I am a glass is half-full guy. I am always trying to see things from a different, possibly less intimidating perspective: I find strength in the challenges. Tim Ferris is credited with having said:

If the challenge we face doesn’t scare us then it’s probably not that important

And it all really condenses down to this. We would not be fighting these battles if they were not important.  And they are important. Patient care is at stake!

Today, my business partner Randy McDonough will be addressing the topic of burnout in a Facebook Live event hosted on the Thrive Pharmacy Transformations — TP Transformations — facebook page. This live feed will begin at 9 pm Eastern Time /  6 pm Pacific time.

If you miss the live presentation, the recording will be also available after the event.

So consider this your invitation to this live event; your invitation to keep the fires burning brightly! We hope you can make it!

Published by

Michael Deninger

Mike graduated from the University of Iowa with a BS in Pharmacy in 1991 and completed his Ph.D. in 1998. He has over 20 years of practice experience, over half of which is as a pharmacy owner. Areas of expertise also include technology in practice, including integration with data sources.

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