Re-Blog: Health Care Has a Middleman Problem

News articles looking closely at the PBM industry appear to becoming popular. Ken McEldowney, with Morning Consulting takes yet another look at the practices of this middle-man industry. He makes several good observations including:

The oligopoly that is the PBM industry not only hurts struggling consumers, it also makes jaw-dropping profits off of them. In 2015 alone, the PBM industry accumulated about $11.5 billion in profits and revenue increased at a “whopping annual rate of 20 percent over the last 5 years,” according to consumer advocate and lawyer David Balto.

Read Health Care Has a Middleman Problem at Morning Consult.


Published by

Michael Deninger

Mike graduated from the University of Iowa with a BS in Pharmacy in 1991 and completed his Ph.D. in 1998. He has over 20 years of practice experience, over half of which is as a pharmacy owner. Areas of expertise also include technology in practice, including integration with data sources.

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